Francesca Franks is a multi-talented, charismatic artist who specializes in using her skills to entertain and delight.
Francesca is magical.
One moment, she's a glittery Fairy Godmother, dressed in a pink, silver-spotted gown, waving her wand and tossing fairy dust on a crowd of enchanted children.
Next time she appears, she's Polka Dots the Clown, telling stories and pulling a live dove from her beret.
And, wait -- there she is again! She's emptied feather boas and fanciful hats out of a big trunk and hatboxes, and now she's applying tasteful make-up to the excited faces of would-be fashion models. When the music starts, the fashion show begins.
At parties for children and teens throughout the Portland area, Francesca creates fantasy adventures that carry wondrous youngsters to fabulous lands of imagination!
Animated and enthusiastic, Francesca is guaranteed to provide the sparkle wherever a little magic is needed.
"I bring imagination to their lives," she explains.
A professionally trained make-up artist, and talented painter, Francesca combines her skills to create elaborate, multi-dimensional art on faces -- face painting!
For adult ladies, Francesca has multiple options for parties that are fun and entertaining. Although aimed at adults, the common element, as with all Francesca's parties, is fun. With elaborate make-up, dress-up and even a fashion show, these parties for ladies bring out the kid -- and the beautiful woman -- that resides in all of us.
Dress-up parties for girls, magic, face painting, make-up and fashion-show parties for older girls and teens are just part of Francesca's repertoire.
She'll catch the fancy of even the shyest child and, before you know it, they're off on a magic carpet ride or picking imaginary gumballs off a tree.
Have a special idea? Francesca will design and personalize entertainment and activities to suit any occassion.
Interested? Call Francesca! 831-425-1968
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Interactive Children's Entertainment
Dress-Up / Fashion Show Parties
Arts and Crafts Parties (all ages)
Special Make-Over Parties for Ladies and Teens
And our unique "Photo-Glamour Parties" for Ladies and Teens
Interested? Call Francesca! 831-425-1968
Francesca 2001 © (all rights reserved)
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