There are no limits -- no barriers -- to a child's imagination. Children love any activity that stimulates their minds and stirs their creativity.
Francesca has the ability to excite the imaginations of children and adults. At her parties she transports children to a magical land of make-believe and imagination -- hence the name of her company.
Children aren't told what to do at her parties, or steered to follow a script. Like Alice through the Looking Glass, she and the children join together to create and explore magical worlds not limited by artificial props.
Besides the magical "Imagination" journeys, Francesca and the children dance and tell a story together, and Francesca almost always performs magic -- often involving live (and very cute and tame) animals.
Have a special idea? Francesca will design and personalize entertainment and activities to suit any occassion.
Interested? Call Francesca! 831-425-1968
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Dress-Up / Fashion Show Parties
Arts and Crafts Parties (all ages)
Special Make-Over Parties for Ladies and Teens
And our unique Photo-Glamour Parties for Ladies and Teens
Interested? Call Francesca! 831-425-1968
Francesca 2001 © (all rights reserved)
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